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11 Quotes to Remember When You Feel Like Giving Up On Your Relationship

The Power of Words

Have you ever stopped to think about how well phrases have stood the test of time?

Have you ever used one or more of the phrases, “As my _____ used to say,” “In the words of ______,” or “_____ once said” before following up with a quote? How about having one or more quotes that you remember and recite? (Please share!)

Words of the greatest Presidents, athletes, scientists, artists, and philosophers are forever engraved. Why is this? Because all of us need a source of inspiration. We look to the great minds of history with the hope of shaping the present and future.

This segues into today’s topic: quotes that inspire strength during relationships.

Here are 11 such quotes:

1. “There is no challenge strong enough to destroy your marriage as long as you are both willing to stop fighting against each other, and start fighting for each other.” – Dave Willis

Mr. Willis makes an excellent point. When we’re heated with our partner, our natural tendency is to put up a defense mechanism. We become irritable, unable to think clearly, and devoid of energy.

What if we focused instead on channeling our energies, redirecting them, and forming amicable solutions?

2. “Apologizing does not mean that you’re wrong and the other person is right. It just means that you value your relationship more than your ego.” – Unknown

Apologizing when there’s a good chance you’re right about something takes guts. When you love someone, the need to be right all the time should take a backseat. A healthy relationship is all about compromise, even if you have to take a small hit to your ego every once in a while.

3. “Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home … it’s your responsibility to love it, or change it.” – Chuck Palahniuk

Notice that Mr. Palahniuk uses the words find joy in everything that you choose. You (and your partner) have a responsibility to iron out the wrinkles in the relationship. Despite your best efforts, if you’re unable to either engage your partner or find joy, time to change things up.

4. “I am not telling you it is going to be easy – I am telling you it is going to be worth it.” – Art Williams

Imperfections prevent us from having a “perfect” relationship. Intimacy does not come easy – it can involve some hard work. What matters is that you keep your eye on the ball – the ball being a happily-imperfect relationship.

5. “You can’t just give up on someone because the situation is not ideal. Great relationships are not great because they have no problems. They are great because both people care enough about the other person to work on solving them.” – Unknown

Though lengthy and a bit confusing, this anonymous person hit us with some good common-sense wisdom. Idealism is a delusion and practicality matters in a relationship. Simplicity matters too. In this case, there’s a two-step process: identify the problem, and diligently work on a solution.

6. “Relationships end too soon because people stop putting in the same effort to keep you, as they did to win you.” – Unknown

To love someone is to be mindful of their thoughts and feelings. Love is an embodiment of human nature in that it’s dynamic, not static. Becoming smitten with someone is easy; respecting them enough to put forth the necessary effort to keep things going isn’t.

7. “He can’t read your mind. So take a moment to let him know how you really feel.” – Stephen Speaks

Have you ever brooded about your partner without letting them know why? You’re just sort of steaming like a teapot with no spout? Time to put on your big boy pants, do some thinking, and have a real conversation.

8. “It doesn’t matter who hurt you, or broke you down. What matter is who made you smile again.” – Unknown

Some people have a serious problem letting go of the past. It is important to remember that the individual you’re with now is not anyone you’ve been with before. Don’t allow the past to dictate your future.

9. “There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in the madness.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Let’s face facts: love is not easy. In fact, it can be downright frustrating; even maddening. But remember the reasons why you’re with a person. There is a reason behind the madness, even if it’s difficult to see.

10. “Truth is everybody is going to hurt you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.” – Bob Marley

As we are all imperfect, it’s a certainty that we’ll hurt the people we love at some point, even unknowingly. As the dynamism of an intimate relationship transcends any relationship type, it’s possible you’ll feel more hurt by your partner than anyone else. But if true love is present and felt by both people, it’s definitely worth the suffering.

11. “If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours; if they don’t they never were.” – Richard Bach

Sometimes we have to cut ties to learn of someone’s true feelings. Is this hard? Absolutely. But, what is the point of holding onto someone if they don’t want to be there in the first place? Let them “test the waters.” If they paddle their way back, it’s probably a good sign.

Words can inspire and words can destroy. Choose yours well. ~ Robin Sharma


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