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The Power of Being Yourself

We have all had experiences where we felt like a fish out of water, or we were swimming against the current. Things were just not going well (or as well as we would like) and we had to stop, reevaluate, and regroup.

Chances are, many of these situations are the result of unrealistic expectations you had of yourself.

No matter how much you plan, how many team members you have, how great your ideas are, or how much capital you have, you could face disappointment and failure if you are not authentic.

That is: Be Yourself.

There are a number of benefits to being authentic. Here is just a short list to help motivate you towards a life (and career) that works for you.

Everyone knows what you can and can't do. Your employees very quickly learn your strengths and weaknesses. They get to know what makes you happy and what drives you crazy.

It is a terrible feeling to be expected to do or complete something that you are not sure you can do. This can cause undue and unnecessary stress. When you are yourself, you are honest about your limitations, and this gives you the margin you need to maneuver and - if necessary - outsource jobs or tasks that you are not comfortable doing (or just don't enjoy doing).

You are not expected to be perfect.

Humility in business is not the same as self-degradation. An element of respect exists when you are sure about your capabilities.  After all, we only have 100 percent. If you are giving that 100 percent in an authentic way, that gives you a better chance at success.

You will learn more.

By knowing and being yourself, you are better able to acknowledge things that you do not know well enough. You won't be too proud to ask questions because you - and, hopefully, everyone you work with - know how genuine you are. People will respect your ability and even eagerness to pick their brains.

Your goals are clear.

People who are themselves and live happy, fulfilling, authentic lives, have clear goals and ambitions. They are very clear on their motivations and do not overextend themselves to achieve arbitrary (or needless) results. In other words, they have a laser focus on the important things.

While sharing intimate insights into your life would not be an appropriate means to build fruitful business relationships, it has become quite a trend for colleagues, employees, and employers to share their more human sides.

By using your authenticity and being who you are at your core, you can build trust in your relationships and create a business climate in your life, and work that allows for real fulfillment and joy.


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